I.CERAM - 2023 annual results

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action I.CERAM (EPA:ALICR).

The I.CERAM board of directors, meeting on June 6, 2024, examined the accounts for the 2023 financial year. However, the accounts have not yet been finalized due to the Company's receivership since April 24, 2024. The Council hopes to finalize the accounts by the end of June and submit the Universal Registration Document quickly.

For 2023, turnover stands at €992,000, down 29.5% compared to 2022. The gross margin falls by 62.4%, including an inventory change of €340,000. The operating result shows a loss of €1,453 thousand. The net financial debt amounts to €1.6 million as of December 31, 2023, reduced to €1.2 million at the end of March 2024.

I.CERAM, recognized for its innovation in implants loaded with antibiotics, continues its development despite a difficult context. The Company is eligible for the PEA and PEA-PME schemes.

R. E.

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