sur Immunic, Inc.

Immunic, Inc. Presents Phase 2 Trial Data on Vidofludimus Calcium at ACTRIMS 2024 Forum

Immunic, Inc. (Nasdaq: IMUX), a biotechnology company focused on developing oral therapies for chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, announced the submission of data from its Phase 2 clinical trials CALLIPER and CALVID-1 on vidofludimus calcium. These results were presented at the ACTRIMS 2024 Forum, dedicated to the research and treatment of multiple sclerosis, which was held from February 29 to March 2 in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Interim data from the CALLIPER trial in progressive multiple sclerosis shows a significant reduction in the biomarker NfL in patients treated with vidofludimus calcium compared to placebo. This discovery suggests an additional neuroprotective potential to the already known anti-inflammatory effect of this compound. Furthermore, the CALVID-1 trial found that vidofludimus calcium could prevent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivation, which is associated with reduced fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis.

The results of these trials reinforce the potential of vidofludimus calcium as a promising treatment for multiple sclerosis, providing an innovative approach targeting both autoimmunity and neuroprotective aspects. Immunic plans to continue development of this drug candidate, with full data expected by April next year.

R. H.

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