sur INDUS Holding AG (isin : DE0006200108)
INDUS Holding AG Strengthens Engineering Segment with HBS Acquisition

INDUS Holding AG, headquartered in Bergisch Gladbach, has announced the expansion of its Engineering segment through the acquisition of the HBS Group. This acquisition enhances the engineering capabilities and international reach of KÖCO, a PEISELER Group company. HBS, a specialist in stud welding and automation technology, primarily serves the European and U.S. markets.
The acquisition includes HBS' U.S. subsidiaries and is aimed at diversifying the product portfolio with energy-efficient welding units to attract new industrial customers. Axel Meyer, INDUS Board Member, highlighted the strategic importance of the acquisition for future growth, particularly in fluid and process technology.
HBS, with over 50 employees and annual sales of approximately 13 million euros, becomes a valuable addition to INDUS. The acquisition is effective from January 1, 2025, marking INDUS’ second successful acquisition this year.
R. E.
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