Infotel Reports 2024 Revenue Decline, Anticipates Growth in 2025

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action INFOTEL (EPA:INF).

Infotel's revenue for 2024 decreased to €294.8 million, a 4.2% drop from 2023. This decline is primarily due to a 4.9% contraction in the Services sector, while the Software segment rose by 15.6%. The Services decline is attributed to adverse economic conditions, a slowdown at Airbus, and reduced investments by Stellantis. The Industry sector within Services saw an €8.7 million decline, while Banking/Finance dropped by €4.6 million, and Services/Transport dipped by €1.6 million.

Despite these challenges, Infotel's Software business flourished with a 31.1% growth in Q4 2024. The Orlando software suite, used in aircraft documentation, achieved a growth of 43%, reaching €4.0 million in revenue.

Looking ahead to 2025, Infotel is optimistic about stabilizing and slightly growing its business. New opportunities in cloud and AI, along with a solid cash position, support this outlook.

R. H.

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