sur Innodata Inc. (NASDAQ:INOD)

Innodata to Announce Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2024 Results

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Innodata Inc. (EBR:INOD).

Innodata Inc. is set to release its Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2024 financial results after the market closes on February 20, 2025. The announcement will be accessible on the company's website, in both the News and Investor Relations sections.

Following the release, Innodata will hold an investor conference call at 5:00 PM Eastern Time. Participants can join domestically via 1-800-549-8228 or internationally at +1 289-819-1520, using the access code 83378. Additionally, a Webcast of the call will be streamed in listen-only mode on Innodata's Investor Relations site.

The call's replay will be available for a week, while the Webcast replay will remain accessible for 30 days. Investors and interested parties are encouraged to visit the company's website for more information.

R. E.

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