Inspire Veterinary Partners Announces Opening of a New Veterinary Clinic in Sugarland, Texas

Inspire Veterinary Partners, Inc. (NASDAQ: IVP), a company dedicated to pet healthcare in the United States, has recently opened the "Family Pet Care" hospital located at Lakeside Town Center, Sugarland, Texas. This facility, inaugurated on February 21, 2024, offers a modern design and spacious treatment area, aiming to optimize the experience for both animals and their owners as well as the healthcare staff. Spanning approximately 370 square meters, this animal hospital represents the first model of what the company hopes to replicate as it expands throughout the United States.

CEO Kimball Carr emphasized the primary goal of this new construction: to enhance the veterinary experience for all participants. Inspired by thoughtful design to create a welcoming and calming environment, "Family Pet Care" employs an experienced team that has been serving the local community for years. This establishment marks an important step for Inspire, which plans to continue expanding its network of veterinary clinics in the country, including general practices as well as emergency and critical care services.

R. P.

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