sur HJDmedia
Investors Shift Focus to Impact Investing Amid Uncertainty
HJDmedia's latest study reveals a growing shift among (semi-)professional investors in Germany towards impact investing. Despite increased interest, many investors remain uncertain about future allocations. This hesitancy is driven by factors like regulatory demands, interest rate changes, and geopolitical tensions.
Transparency is a critical concern, with investors requiring clearer standards to prevent practices like greenwashing. Infrastructure and private equity remain popular, while interest grows in real estate and venture capital. Notably, investors are eager for returns with measurable social and ecological impacts, particularly in energy, climate protection, and social infrastructure.
The survey, conducted between July and September 2024, involved over 100 investors from diverse sectors. Hans-Jürgen Dannheisig of HJDmedia emphasizes the need for innovative, credible solutions amidst global uncertainty. The study underscores the role of impact investing in modern portfolios and the urgent need for improved market transparency and diversity.
R. E.
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