sur Irish Residential Properties REIT Plc (isin : IE00BJ34P519)

Irish Residential Properties REIT plc Announces Year-End Dividend

Irish Residential Properties REIT plc (IRES) has declared a dividend of 2.00 cents per share for the year ending on December 31, 2023. Following the release of its annual preliminary results, the board of directors expresses its satisfaction by announcing this payment. This dividend, fully attributed as a Property Income Distribution (PID) in accordance with Irish REIT legislation, will be paid on March 28, 2024, to shareholders registered as of March 8, 2024.

IRES is positioned as a major player in property management in Ireland, with a portfolio of 3,734 apartments and houses in Dublin and Cork for rental purposes. The company aims to be the preferred choice in the housing sector in Ireland, known for its excellent service and responsible commitment, particularly in terms of environmental impact and community contribution. The company's shares are listed on Euronext Dublin. More information is available on their website.

R. E.

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