sur Irving Resources Inc (isin : CA4637731015)

Irving Resources Progresses at Omu Gold Projects in Japan

Irving Resources Inc. has provided an update on its exploration activities at the Omu gold project in Hokkaido, Japan. The company recently drilled a strategically positioned diamond drill hole, 24OMI-001, at the Omui historic mine site under the guidance of JX Advanced Metals Corporation. This hole was designed to explore shallow, gold-bearing quartz veins and silicified ore that could be mined from the surface. Beginning at 35 meters, extensive quartz veining and silicification were encountered, encouraging further exploration.

Quinton Hennigh, Irving’s director and geologic advisor, highlighted the encouraging results as part of the strategic search for shallow silica. Additional drilling is planned throughout 2025, targeting similar opportunities at Omu. Hennigh emphasized the importance of regular updates on their exploration progress at both the East Yamagano and Omu sites.

R. E.

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