sur Revenue Solutions, Inc.
Jason Woodcock Returns to RSI to Drive Growth and Innovation
Revenue Solutions Inc. (RSI), a company specializing in human-centered technological solutions for the public sector, announces the return of Jason Woodcock as Senior Principal. With 25 years of experience in solution engineering, project management, and organizational change consulting, Woodcock previously contributed to RSI's success between 2007 and 2019. His mission will involve leading the development of the company's solutions and contributing to its expansion and the enhancement of services for government citizens.
Trent Wade, EVP of Solutions at RSI, highlights Woodcock's influence in the tax industry and his crucial role in strengthening the company's relationships in local and national markets in the United States. Woodcock is recognized for his human-centric approach in projects, aligned with RSI's core values such as integrity, commitment to clients, and innovation.
RSI is positioned as a key player in developing governmental technological solutions through its revX platform, offering a customizable and user-friendly approach to improve citizen services and maximize compliance. Woodcock's experience and vision will be instrumental in fostering RSI's growth and the success of its clients in the United States and Canada.
R. H.
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