JLC LIVE New England Draws Nearly 9,000 Industry Professionals for Residential Construction Insights

The JLC LIVE event in New England, touted as the region's most comprehensive residential construction show, concluded last week after three days filled with learning and discovery. The event, held at the Rhode Island Convention Center from March 21-23, saw nearly 9,000 attendees. Over 260 companies exhibited their latest innovations, and more than 40 business education sessions were conducted, focusing on new industry practices and technologies.

Highlighting the event, Joe Lstirubek, a principal at the Building Science Corporation, delivered JLC LIVE's first-ever keynote address. Sponsored by TimberHP, Lstirubek shared his expertise in building science, offering insights into the industry's evolution. The conference also introduced its first Spanish education program, covering a wide range of topics from business administration to technical skills.

Live Building Clinics were a major draw for the event, featuring expert-led demonstrations on various construction techniques. These sessions attracted numerous professionals eager to learn about new products and methods to enhance traditional building practices. Sue Pino, JLC LIVE's Show Director, remarked on the palpable enthusiasm among attendees to connect with industry leaders and gain skills for constructing durable homes.

Additionally, the event provided a platform for companies to demonstrate innovative building solutions, with Andersen Windows & Doors, Simpson Strong-Tie, and VERSATEX Building Products among the participants. Looking forward, Informa Markets announced the upcoming Build Show LIVE in Austin, Texas, promising to deliver an unparalleled experience focusing on high-quality homebuilding and building science.

R. P.

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