sur Kapsch TrafficCom AG (isin : AT000KAPSCH9)

Kapsch TrafficCom Appoints Phil Thompson as VP for North America

Kapsch TrafficCom has announced the appointment of Phil Thompson as the Vice President of Sales and Business Development for its North American division. With over 20 years in the IoT sector, Phil is expected to lead growth within the organization. Past roles at Spring Window Fashions, Crestron, and Honeywell underscore his experience in connected home and building technologies.

Phil's leadership style, characterized by empowerment and mentorship, aligns with Kapsch's strategic pursuits. His dual degrees in environmental science and human geography from the University of Auckland supplement his expertise. This appointment follows the tenure of Dan Toohey, who played a crucial role in expanding the company's AET and traffic management services.

Kapsch TrafficCom is a key player in transportation solutions with projects in over 50 countries, generating revenues of EUR 539 million. The company is known for its innovative efforts in tolling and traffic management.

R. E.

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