sur Kapsch TrafficCom AG (isin : AT000KAPSCH9)
Kapsch TrafficCom Introduces Enhanced ANPR Engine for North America
Kapsch TrafficCom has unveiled a new Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) engine for the North American market. This advanced technology promises improved performance, versatility, and cost efficiency in license plate recognition. As part of the tolling solutions suite, the engine is a significant element in state-of-the-art tolling technology.
The ANPR system expands upon prior implementations in Europe and Australia. It utilizes deep learning for enhanced accuracy, accommodating 58 jurisdictions, including all mainland US states, Hawaii, Mexico, and key Canadian provinces. Capable of recognizing over 150 plate types, it addresses North America's diverse license plate challenges.
Developed through global collaboration, this engine aims to enhance operational efficiency for tolling clients and reduce manual review costs significantly.
R. E.
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