sur Kapsch TrafficCom AG (isin : AT000KAPSCH9)

Kapsch TrafficCom Reports Steady Revenue Growth Amid Challenges

Kapsch TrafficCom AG posted a 3% increase in revenue, reaching EUR 411 million for the first three quarters of the financial year 2024/25. Despite challenging global conditions, the company saw a positive trend, particularly in the third quarter. EBIT stood at EUR 6 million, influenced by deconsolidation impacts, including the sale of the South African company TMT. While the traffic management segment faced declines, the tolling segment increased revenues by 10% to EUR 309 million.

Free cash flow reached EUR 24 million, reflecting stable liquidity. The equity ratio improved to 20% following a decrease in liabilities and net debt reduction. Looking ahead, Kapsch expects revenue growth to exceed the market average of 7.5% annually from 2024 to 2030. The focus remains on cost management, with aims to reduce net debt further, targeting a net debt to EBITDA ratio below 3.0x.

R. E.

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