sur Karbon-X Project Inc. (NASDAQ:KARX)

Karbon-X and Drax Group Announce Innovative Partnership for Carbon Capture Initiative

Karbon-X Project Inc. and Drax Group have announced a pioneering partnership aimed at enhancing the deployment of Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) technology in the United States. This collaboration highlights the growing demand for effective carbon removal solutions. Karbon-X will purchase Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) credits from Drax, linked to the storage of 25,000 metric tons of CO2, with a landmark agreement set for the next five years starting in 2030.

Drax's President of Carbon Removals, Laurie Fitzmaurice, expressed excitement over this collaboration, emphasizing the urgent need for high-quality carbon removal investments. The CDR market is rapidly maturing, with forecasts predicting a supply shortage as global carbon reduction deadlines approach. This partnership underscores Drax's commitment to leading in carbon removal, aiming to extract at least 6 million tons of CO2 annually from the atmosphere through its dedicated global efforts.

BECCS technology is celebrated for its dual benefits of renewable energy production and effective CO2 storage, gaining preference over nature-based removal methods. Karbon-X plans to resell the acquired credits in the voluntary carbon market to support companies and individuals in meeting their emission reduction targets. Chad Clovis, CEO of Karbon-X, hailed the partnership as a significant step in the fight against climate change and the pursuit of a sustainable future.

R. E.

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