sur Kentucky Peerless Distilling Co.
Kentucky Peerless Distillery Wins Prestigious Awards at Icons of Whisky and World Whiskies Awards
The Kentucky Peerless Distilling Company, a family-owned artisanal distillery based in Louisville, has been honored by Icons of Whisky with the title of "Production Team of the Year." Furthermore, all five whisky expressions submitted by Peerless - Peerless Small Batch Bourbon, Peerless Small Batch Rye, Peerless Small Batch Double Oak Bourbon, Peerless Small Batch Double Oak Rye, and Peerless High Rye Bourbon - have been recognized at the World Whiskies Awards.
Organized by Whisky Magazine, these awards aim to celebrate key players in the whisky industry. Carson Taylor, fifth-generation president of Peerless, expresses pride in his team's achievements and looks forward to the future with optimism. The distillery, with a history dating back to 1889 and relaunched in 2013, is renowned for its commitment to quality, employing traditional methods and top-notch ingredients.
The distillery is open to the public for tours and tastings, reaffirming its dedication to local craftsmanship without compromising on quality.
R. P.
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