sur Modulate, Inc.

Keywords Studios and Modulate announce a partnership to enhance online safety in the video game industry

Keywords Studios, a global provider of creative and technological solutions for the video game industry based in Dublin and Somerville, is teaming up with Modulate, a company specializing in proactive voice moderation, to support the trust and safety needs of game studios of all sizes. This collaboration aims to optimize the use of Modulate's ToxMod technology by Keywords Studios' clients, while equipping Keywords' moderators with cutting-edge tools for an enjoyable online gaming experience for players.

ToxMod, a proactive voice moderation platform, uses machine learning and AI to combat online toxicity, thus protecting moderation teams and helping to create healthier online communities. Sharon Fisher, Head of Trust and Safety at Keywords Studios, highlights that this technology significantly enhances players' online gaming experience by reducing reaction time and extending the reach of moderation teams.

Mike Pappas, CEO of Modulate, stresses the importance of combining artificial intelligence and human intelligence to navigate the complexities of human interactions, emphasizing the crucial role of human moderators in the effectiveness of online moderation. This partnership therefore highlights the synergy between AI and human intelligence, using technologies such as ToxMod to encourage healthier online communities and ensure the security of moderators' work.

R. H.

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