sur KindlyMD, Inc

KindlyMD Achieves Expanded Coverage with Blue Cross Blue Shield Partnership

KindlyMD, Inc. (NASDAQ: KDLY) has announced a significant expansion in its insurance coverage, now encompassing nearly 80% of the population in Utah. This development follows additional credentialing and a new contract with Blue Cross Blue Shield, as part of Utah's leading insurance payors.

Tim Pickett, CEO of KindlyMD, stated that this partnership underscores their commitment to accessible, quality behavioral healthcare. It is expected to enhance patient volume and revenue across their clinics. This complements their existing contracts with Select Health, Medicare, and Medicaid.

KindlyMD operates the largest alternative pain treatment center in Utah, having treated over 60,000 patients. The company provides comprehensive care plans, including the option of medical cannabis, while ensuring safety through appropriate dosing and support for opioid treatments.

R. H.

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