sur KindlyMD, Inc

KindlyMD Announces Successful Registration and Grant Application

KindlyMD, Inc. (NASDAQ:KDLY), a healthcare company, announced its registration on, the U.S. federal funding platform. This enables the company to apply for federal grants and contracts, including with the Department of Veterans Affairs. This registration is a significant step toward securing various federal funding opportunities to support the company's mission of providing comprehensive healthcare solutions.

Following this registration, KindlyMD submitted its first grant application for the USDA Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Distance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT) Grant Program on April 27, 2024. The aim is to secure funds to expand its Complete Care telehealth program in Utah's rural communities. This program integrates primary care, pain management strategies, and mental health services to provide comprehensive telehealth treatment.

CEO Tim Pickett stated that SAM registration not only opens opportunities for federal funding but also marks a critical growth step for KindlyMD. The DLT grant application, if successful, will support the implementation of distance learning and telemedicine systems, significantly benefiting remote communities.

R. H.

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