Klarsen 2023 Annual Results: Growth and Strategic Acquisition

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action KLARSEN (EPA:ALKLA).

The company Klarsen, a French player in data marketing, has published its financial results for the year 2023, highlighting a significant increase in turnover and gross operating surplus (EBE). The turnover reached €4,871.52 thousand, marking an increase of more than 35% for EBITDA which stood at €679.87 thousand.

This growth is notably due to the acquisition of the companies ITL and DAFI in the second half of the year, strengthening Klarsen's presence in the seniors market. This strategic operation was carried out with equity, without affecting shareholder dilution, and made it possible to enrich Klarsen's offering with a multi-channel solution quickly adopted by both existing customers and new prospects.

The company's balance sheet also improved, with shareholders' equity increasing to €1,022 thousand, benefiting from the sale of domain names and the early repayment of debt, generating an exceptional result of more than €3 million. Cash available at the end of the year was €928,000.

CEO Brice Gazeau expressed satisfaction with the 2023 achievements, saying Klarsen is well positioned for continued expansion, with a revenue target exceeding €20 million by 2026.

R. H.

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