Klarsen: Significant growth in the first half of 2024

Klarsen reports significant growth of 269% in its turnover in the first half of 2024, reaching 3.27 million euros. This is the result of the successful integration of the subsidiaries ITL and DAFI. On a comparable basis, an increase of 17% is observed, supporting the group's strategy in the face of an uncertain economic climate.
Operating profit before interest improved by 58%, reaching 381,000 euros, with a profitability rate of 11.6%. Operating and net income are respectively 299,000 and 131,000 euros, illustrating controlled management despite a cash consumption of 672,000 euros.
Total debts stand at €3.5 million, but Klarsen maintains positive equity, committing to reaching €20 million in sales by 2026, focusing on organic and external growth.
R. P.
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