sur Klondike Gold Corp. (isin : CA4989033010)

Klondike Gold Welcomes Dr. M. Stephen Enders to Advisory Board

Vancouver-based Klondike Gold Corp. has appointed Dr. M. Stephen Enders to its Advisory Board. Dr. Enders brings over 45 years of experience in mineral exploration and development, having served in senior positions at notable mining companies like Newmont Mining Corporation and Phelps Dodge Exploration Corp.

Peter Tallman, President & CEO of Klondike Gold, welcomes Dr. Enders, citing his extensive expertise in geology and resource assessment as valuable for the company's ongoing projects in the Klondike District. The appointment aims to leverage Dr. Enders' economic perspectives on mineral exploration.

Dr. Enders is recognized for his academic contributions and various awards, including honors from the Colorado School of Mines. He has been pivotal in discovering and developing significant global mineral deposits, making him a fitting addition to Klondike Gold's Advisory Board.

R. H.

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