sur Knaus Tabbert AG (isin : DE000A2YN504)
Knaus Tabbert Undergoes Leadership Changes Amid Investigation
Knaus Tabbert AG has announced significant changes in its leadership following an investigation by public prosecutors. The Supervisory Board has decided to terminate the contracts of Chief Operating Officer Werner Vaterl and Chief Sales Officer Gerd Adamietzki, who are under investigation. Their duties will be temporarily managed by their direct reports. Knaus Tabbert is cooperating with authorities and stresses that it currently stands as an injured party, not accused of any wrongdoing, with damages still being assessed.
The changes occur during a transformative period for the company, with Wim de Pundert recently taking over as both Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer. In response to these developments, the company is reinforcing its leadership team and enhancing internal controls to prevent future issues. Despite these challenges, Knaus Tabbert remains committed to organizational excellence and advancing its strategic goals.
R. P.
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