sur Kontron AG (isin : DE0006053952)

Kontron Secures Major 5G Contract in Automotive Industry

Kontron AG, a prominent IoT technology firm based in Linz, Austria, announced a significant contract to supply 5G automotive IoT connectivity modules. Valued at approximately $250 million, this contract strengthens Kontron's foothold in the automotive sector. The deal involves providing 5G Network Access Devices (NADs) to several global automotive manufacturers, facilitating the industry's shift towards advanced 5G technology.

Kontron's European-manufactured 5G modules are expected to play a crucial role in vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. The production is set to ramp up in 2026, with revenues materializing over a period of up to seven years.

This contract underscores Kontron's commitment to technological excellence and positions it as the only European supplier of 5G modules. With the 5G automotive NAD market anticipated to exceed $10 billion by 2030, Kontron stands to benefit significantly from the growing demand for connected and autonomous vehicles.

R. E.

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