sur KSB SE & Co. KGaA (isin : DE0006292030)
KSB Continues Positive Growth in Q1 2024 Despite Global Economic Challenges
Frankenthal-based KSB SE & Co. KGaA reported a continuation of its positive growth from 2023 into the first quarter of 2024. The company, renowned for its manufacturing of pumps and valves, saw an increase across key performance indicators including order intake, sales revenue, and EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes).
During this period, KSB's order intake slightly grew by 0.4% reaching €863 million, led by its SupremeServ segment which surged by 8.0% to €283 million. Meanwhile, the Valves segment increased by 6.0% to €127 million. However, the Pumps segment experienced a reduction in orders by 5.1%, totaling €453 million. Noteworthy is the significant order increase of 59.4% in the Energy Market Area, contrary to a significant drop in the Mining Market Area.
Sales revenue climbed by 3.8%, amounting to €693 million, with the Valves segment recording the highest growth rate of 8.5%. The SupremeServ segment also saw an increase, with sales reaching €232 million. EBIT improved by 7.1% compared to the previous year, resulting in €48.4 million, which corresponds to an EBIT margin of 7.0%.
Despite the economic downturn in Europe and a slowing economy in China, along with global political unrest, Dr. Stephan Timmermann, Chairman of the Board, remarked on KSB's robust performance credited to its diverse product range and global presence.
R. E.
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