sur KSB SE & Co. KGaA (isin : DE0006292030)

KSB Group Reports Record Year in 2024 with Increased Order Intake and Sales

The KSB Group, a leading manufacturer of pumps and valves, announced its provisional figures for the financial year 2024, marking a record year. The order intake rose by 5.2% to €3.1 billion, driven by strong performance particularly in the fourth quarter, which alone accounted for €730 million, a 15.8% rise.

Sales revenue also increased by 5.2% to nearly €3 billion, with significant contributions from the Valves Segment, which saw a 10.3% growth. The KSB SupremeServ Segment benefited from strong spare parts demand in the Energy Market Area, contributing to a 7.6% revenue growth.

Despite challenges in Europe, KSB achieved a 7.4% increase in order intake outside Europe, while European growth was slightly lower at 2.8%. With EBIT expected at the higher end of the €210 million to €245 million forecast, KSB aims for further improvements in 2025.

R. E.

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