sur KSB SE & Co. KGaA (isin : DE0006292030)
KSB Maintains Growth Trajectory in 2024
In the first nine months of 2024, KSB SE & Co. KGaA reported an increase in order intake, sales revenue, and EBIT compared to the previous year. The company, a major player in the pump and valve industry, noted significant contributions from its KSB SupremeServ Segment, which saw strong growth in spare parts sales within the Energy and Mining markets.
Order intake rose 2.4% to €2,384 million, with the KSB SupremeServ Segment leading the charge with a 5.8% increase. Sales revenue climbed 2.7% to €2,171 million, highlighted by an 8.2% surge in the Valves Segment. The EBIT saw a 4.4% rise to €188.8 million, despite costs associated with the new SAP S/4HANA software.
CEO Dr. Stephan Timmermann emphasized the company's strategic growth, particularly in the USA, as a counter to global economic challenges and market slowdowns in Europe and China. KSB anticipates achieving targets within the upper half of its annual forecast.
R. P.
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