sur KSB SE & Co. KGaA (isin : DE0006292030)

KSB SE & Co. KGaA Announces Record Results and Strategic Plans at Annual General Meeting

In 2023, KSB SE & Co. KGaA, a leading manufacturer based in Frankenthal, reported unprecedented financial outcomes, achieving the highest order intake and sales revenue in its history. The company announced a significant improvement in earnings and a dividend increase at its recent Annual General Meeting held on May 8, 2024.

KSB's order intake grew by 3.4% to €2,960 million, and sales revenue increased by 9.5% to €2,819 million, both marking a notable rise from the previous year. The EBIT margin reached 7.9%, surpassing expectations. This financial upliftment led to a dividend per ordinary share increase to €26.00 for shareholders, underlining a strong fiscal year with €177 million net profit.

Throughout 2023, KSB invested approximately €136 million in various areas including productivity, digitalization, and sustainability, focusing particularly on modernizing its Frankenthal plant with a substantial €60 million funding aimed for completion by 2029.

The 2024 financial outlook remains cautiously optimistic despite ongoing geopolitical unrest and economic uncertainty. With its robust market position and international presence, KSB anticipates continued growth and success in navigating future challenges.

R. P.

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