sur Kudelski Group (isin : CH0012268360)
Kudelski Group Announces Strategic Transformation and Cost Reductions
The Kudelski Group has unveiled a transformation of its operational structure, aiming for a renewed focus on core digital security technologies. This strategic move comes after the recent sale of Skidata, aligning with the company’s mission to reinforce its digital security prowess. A key aspect of this transformation is a workforce reduction, affecting about 160 positions globally, including 40-45 in Switzerland.
Nagravision, a Kudelski business unit, will undergo an organizational overhaul to better tackle industry challenges. Meanwhile, Kudelski Security plans to broaden its expertise in Operational Technology (OT) security. Kudelski IoT will zero in on asset tracking and initiate new Internet of Things (IoT) projects.
These initiatives are designed to expedite the path to profitable growth for Kudelski Security and IoT, offering Nagravision a foundation to extend beyond digital video markets. This transformation is expected to conclude in the first half of 2025.
R. H.
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