Kumulus Vape: 2024 Review and 2025 Objectives in a Troubled Environment

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action KUMULUS VAPE (EPA:ALVAP).

Kumulus Vape announces consolidated revenue of €60.8 million for 2024, down from €62.6 million in 2023. This decrease reflects a difficult economic context, with pressure on household consumption. BtoB activity records €51.7 million, representing 85% of the total turnover, but suffers a decline of 3.3% due to retailer caution and increased competition.

The BtoC activity shows 4.8 million euros, or 8% of the turnover, marked by a decrease of 8%. Conversely, the growth of the physical store network, boosted by the acquisition of Cigaverte, shows an increase of 14%, reaching 4.3 million euros. For 2025, Kumulus Vape sets a target of 62 million euros, focusing on strategic initiatives to optimize its competitiveness and market position.

R. P.

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