Kumulus Vape: Remarkable Growth Among Growth Champions

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action KUMULUS VAPE (EPA:ALVAP).

Kumulus Vape continues to shine in the Growth Champions ranking of the newspaper Les Echos, in collaboration with Statista. For the 5th consecutive year, this company specializing in the sale of electronic cigarettes and related products stands out for its performance. Between 2020 and 2023, its turnover has increased 2.7 times.

In 2025, Kumulus Vape ranks 126th nationally, all sectors combined, and is in 5th place in e-commerce. In the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, it is among the top 15 fastest growing. These rankings attest to its solid strategy and its adaptability to the market.

Rémi Baert, CEO of Kumulus Vape, emphasizes that this ranking, beyond a simple rank, reflects the regularity and sustainability of the company. The objective remains to offer a credible and responsible alternative to smoked tobacco.

R. E.

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