LAGARDERE Announces Latest Voting Rights and Share Capital Figures
LAGARDERE has disclosed its monthly update concerning the total number of voting rights and shares constituting the company's share capital, in compliance with the French Commercial Code and the General Regulations of the French financial markets authority (AMF). This recent declaration, dated March 31, 2024, indicates the company's continued transparency and adherence to regulatory requirements.
As of the end of March 2024, LAGARDERE’s share capital includes 141,133,286 stock shares. The number of exercisable voting rights stands at 166,427,997, taking into account the deduction for shares without voting rights, such as treasury shares and those under liquidity contracts. Moreover, the theoretical voting rights, calculated including all shares, also excluding those without voting rights, amount to 166,747,955. This distinction between exercisable and theoretical voting rights is crucial for understanding the potential voting power within the company and for the calculation of statutory and legal thresholds.
This information ensures that shareholders and potential investors have transparent access to significant data regarding LAGARDERE’s capital structure, facilitating informed decision-making in financial and investment contexts.
R. E.
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