Lagardère Reports Half-Year Liquidity Contract Status

On January 17, 2025, Lagardère SA disclosed details of its liquidity contract for the second half of 2024, managed with BNP Paribas Financial Markets. As of December 31, 2024, resources included 21,843 shares and €620,643.
In the second semester, 129 buy-side and 129 sell-side executions were completed. The traded volume was 15,262 shares (€327,587) on the buy side and 15,335 shares (€329,713) on the sell side.
As of June 30, 2024, Lagardère's account held 21,916 shares and €607,552. In the first half of 2024, 471 buy-side and 417 sell-side transactions occurred, trading 46,672 shares (€934,061) and 53,093 shares (€1,061,455) respectively.
Initially, when the contract was signed on September 19, 2022, there were no shares and €1,000,000 available.
R. H.
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