Lagardère SA Reports Recent Share Trading Activities

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action LAGARDERE (EPA:MMB).

Lagardère SA, the French multinational company, disclosed its share trading activities from April 29, 2024, to May 3, 2024. This report follows regulations regarding transparency with trading activities involving its own shares.

The transactions were carried out under a mandate with an investment services provider, a plan that was previously announced on April 26, 2024. Throughout the week, the trading activities occurred across different markets including CEUX, XPAR, AQEU, and TQEX.

A detailed breakdown of these transactions indicates variable trading volumes and average prices per day. For instance, on April 29, a total of 3,418 shares were traded, with prices ranging from €20.1000 to €20.1571. The highest average price recorded was €21.4752 on May 3 for 165 shares in the CEUX market.

The total volume of shares traded during this period amounted to 8,400 shares. Such disclosures are part of the company's efforts to maintain transparency with its investors and are accessible in the investor relations section of the Lagardère website.

R. H.

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