Lagardère SA Successfully Completes Refinancing Operation

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action LAGARDERE (EPA:MMB).

Lagardère SA announced the successful completion of its financial debt refinancing. Following Vivendi SE's acquisition of control in November 2023, Lagardère repaid approximately €1.2 billion of its debt. This early repayment was facilitated by a loan from Vivendi SE, totaling €1.9 billion.

On June 7, 2024, Lagardère refinanced a total of €1.95 billion. The operation includes two bank loans: one for €700 million with a possible extension to 42 months, and another for €600 million with a 5-year term. Additionally, two new shareholder loans from Vivendi SE amount to €500 million and €150 million.

A new 5-year revolving credit facility of €700 million has replaced the previous one set to mature in April 2025. This refinancing extends the maturity of Lagardère's financial debt, reinforcing the group's long-term financial structure.

The operation, conducted with 18 major banking groups, signals renewed confidence in Lagardère's development strategy.

R. E.

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