sur Landmark

Landmark Worldwide Nears Completion of Transformational Four-Year Transition

Landmark, a global leader in personal and professional growth programs, announced the final stage of a significant reorganization to ensure long-term sustainability and expand its services. This move addresses the lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and positions the company for future growth.

The pandemic posed unprecedented challenges, especially for Landmark’s in-person programs in North America. The company transitioned to online delivery, broadening its reach and accessibility. This shift was difficult but essential for its evolution.

The transformation includes technology upgrades, new products, cultural evolution, and improved workplace environments. Landmark also introduced new leadership and an advisory board, established a training academy, and created community opportunities, such as a subscription service and an app.

The final phase involves reorganizing North American operations. Landmark is using a focused bankruptcy to resolve the last remaining economic burdens from its empty facilities. This step will not impact Landmark’s customers or its operations.

Kelly Wolf, corporate spokesperson, expressed excitement about the progress and gratitude for continued support from the Landmark community.

R. H.

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