sur NamR (EPA:ALNMR)
Launch of ecoclik RGA by namR

NamR, a Data Intelligence player for the ecological transition, has announced the launch of ecoclik RGA, an innovative simulator to assess the risks associated with the shrinkage-swelling of clay soils. This phenomenon, amplified by climate change, impacts around 20 million French people, causing significant damage to buildings.
The ecoclik RGA simulator analyses the morphology and environment of homes to provide prevention recommendations. The cost of prevention is estimated at €5,000, compared to repairs that can amount to €100,000 in the event of a disaster. A major bancassurer has already adopted it to better manage climate risks and advise its customers.
NamR forecasts a turnover of €3.2 million in 2024, up 60%. This launch strengthens their growth prospects thanks to a strategy focused on preventing climate risks.
R. E.
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