sur Data Axle

Launch of New Email Data by Data Axle Nonprofit to Enhance Donor Acquisition

Data Axle Nonprofit, a recognized provider of data-driven marketing solutions, announced on February 21, 2024 in Dallas, Texas, the integration of new email data into its omnichannel cooperatives, Apogee and DonorBase. This initiative marks a first in the sector, with email addresses directly linked to donation activity, aiming to increase engagement and donations.

Nonprofit organizations are increasingly turning to multichannel approaches to reach potential donors, including email, direct mail, social media, among others. The innovation lies in the use of confirmed donation activities combined with high-quality modeling and leveraging comprehensive data, thus offering a novel and effective method in the field.

Initial feedback from organizations using these cooperative email data indicates improved campaign performance, with more interactions, fewer unsubscribes, and larger initial donations. Leveraging over 80 million email addresses connected to philanthropy, these data enable a sophisticated and effective audience development.

The availability of email data in the Apogee and DonorBase cooperatives is among the major developments from Data Axle Nonprofit for this year, aiming to strengthen donor acquisition strategies by nonprofit organizations across all channels.

R. P.

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