sur Swan Global Investments

Launch of the Swan Enhanced Dividend Income ETF: Strategic Alliance between Swan Global Investments and O'Shares Investments

Swan Global Investments and O'Shares Investments have announced their collaboration to launch the Swan Enhanced Dividend Income ETF (CBOE:SCLZ), aimed at providing investors with an active and singular approach to generating regular income and capital appreciation. The ETF combines Swan Global Investments' expertise in options management with O'Shares' leadership in creating data- and rules-based indices.

The fund targets total return, seeking to generate sustainable income and capital appreciation through covered writing strategies applied to a portfolio of dividend growth stocks. This method leverages Swan's decades of options management experience and O'Shares' experience building rules-based indices to deliver a revenue-enhancing double alpha solution.

The O'Shares Focused Quality Dividend Index will serve as the basis for selecting the ETF's underlying stocks, focusing on mid- to large-cap dividend-paying U.S. companies with quality and growth characteristics. The fund's active management approach includes selectively writing options on individual stocks in the portfolio, adjusting positions as market conditions dictate, and aiming to actively take profits to drive total return.

R. H.

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