sur Leifheit Aktiengesellschaft (isin : DE0006464506)

Leifheit AG Reports Improved Profitability in 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Leifheit Aktiengesellschaft (EBR:LEI).

Leifheit Aktiengesellschaft has reported an upward trend in its financial performance for the first nine months of 2024. The company's turnover slightly increased to EUR 200.8 million, with a notable 6.3% rise in the third quarter. This growth is attributed to strategic initiatives focusing on profitable growth and cost efficiency.

The gross margin improved by 2.9 percentage points to 44.3%, leading to a significant rise in EBIT, which reached EUR 10.3 million, up by EUR 5.3 million from the previous year. The net result for the period rose to EUR 6.8 million, exceeding the previous year's EUR 2.6 million. Free cash flow also grew by 9.9% to EUR 14.3 million.

The company's e-commerce segment experienced a 6.6% increase, contributing significantly to turnover. Leifheit continues to focus on expanding its digital presence and developing innovative products, positioning itself for future growth.

R. H.

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