sur Leifheit Aktiengesellschaft (isin : DE0006464506)

Leifheit AG unveils its preliminary results for 2023 and outlines its outlook for 2024

Leifheit Aktiengesellschaft, a major player in the household goods sector in Europe, has released its preliminary figures for the financial year 2023, revealing a 2.7% increase in its revenue to reach 258.3 million euros. Despite exceptional expenses related to the change in its board of directors, the group's EBIT saw a significant rise, reaching 6 million euros. Free cash flow also increased, amounting to 12.1 million euros.

For 2024, Leifheit anticipates a slight growth in its revenue despite challenging market conditions and a considerable increase in maritime freight costs following attacks by Houthi rebels in the Red Sea. The group forecasts an EBIT between 10 and 12 million euros, supported by initiatives aimed at increasing cost efficiency and growth. Leifheit will focus on strengthening its brand presence, innovation in its core segments, increased internationalization, and e-commerce.

Marking the 65th anniversary of the company, Alexander Reindler, CEO, is optimistic for the current year, emphasizing the revision of the company's strategy focused on sustainable growth and cost efficiency. Leifheit will publish its final annual report for 2023 on March 27, 2024.

R. H.

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