Lhyfe and Masdar to Explore Green Hydrogen Projects in Europe

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action LHYFE (EPA:LHYFE).

Lhyfe, a French green hydrogen pioneer, announced a partnership with Abu Dhabi's Masdar. The two companies aim to co-develop large-scale green hydrogen production projects in Europe. This collaboration is based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed during Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week 2025.

Lhyfe, established in 2019, is a rapidly growing leader in the field, with four operational sites in Europe and more under construction. The company has an ambitious project pipeline with a total capacity of 9.5GW. Masdar, a significant player in renewable energy, aims for a 100GW capacity by 2030, focusing on green hydrogen production.

Masdar's Chief Green Hydrogen Officer, Mohammad El Ramahi, emphasized the importance of Europe in the future green hydrogen landscape. Matthieu Guesné, CEO of Lhyfe, highlighted shared goals to rapidly decarbonize industries using green hydrogen.

R. E.

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