sur Liberty

Liberty Provides Flexible Home Loan Solutions for Self-Employed Australians

In Australia, where 97% of businesses are classified as small, many self-employed individuals face challenges when seeking home loans. Traditional lenders often impose stringent criteria, making it difficult for these individuals to qualify. Recognizing this gap, Liberty, a prominent non-bank lender, offers flexible home loan solutions to support self-employed Australians.

Liberty's approach includes offering low documentation (low doc) loans, which cater to those with limited financial paperwork. These loans utilize alternative income verification methods, such as bank statements and accountant declarations. By focusing on individual needs, Liberty aims to provide tailored lending solutions.

Caesar Ibrahim, Liberty's Group Manager, emphasizes the importance of providing accessible loan options for self-employed individuals. With solutions ranging from property purchases to refinancing and beyond, Liberty is committed to supporting diverse borrower profiles. Their offerings extend to personal, car, and business loans as well, underscoring a comprehensive approach to lending.

R. E.

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