sur Liberty

Liberty Supports Small Businesses Amid Industry Challenges

As increased inflation and lower consumer confidence impact SMEs, Liberty has lending solutions to help them focus on growth. Acknowledging the importance of the small business sector and its present challenges including inflation and operational costs, the 2024-25 Federal Budget included $641.4 million in targeted support for small businesses.

With its range of free-thinking business loans, non-bank lender Liberty supports businesses of all shapes and sizes to achieve growth in the face of tough market conditions. According to Manager - Group Communications Kate Jenkinson, a business loan could keep a business moving forward by helping to cover the cost of equipment, tools, stock, or working capital.

"At Liberty, we understand Australian small business owners are currently facing challenges, and access to funding can make a significant difference. A business loan could also aid expansion and exciting growth opportunities - which often get pushed down the priority list," Ms Jenkinson said.

Liberty's business loans are designed to provide the funds business owners need to take advantage of opportunities when they arise and reach goals sooner. Some small business owners find they might not have the documentation required for a traditional loan application. However, Liberty's low doc business loans offer alternative income verification options.

Liberty also offers business lines of credit, giving business owners easy access to funds when they need it most. "Business loans can help upgrade equipment and facilities or improve cash flow and cover any extra expenses that arise," Ms Jenkinson said.

Liberty is committed to supporting Australian business owners and has the experience and resources to help them take the next step forward in their business journey. "Each business is unique, so the lending solution needs to be unique as well. We look at a borrower's finances holistically and take a tailored approach," Ms Jenkinson said.

R. P.

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