sur BX Swiss AG
Lidia Kurt Appointed CEO of BX Digital
BX Digital has announced Lidia Kurt as its new CEO. A sister company of BX Swiss and part of the Boerse Stuttgart Group, BX Digital focuses on blockchain-based digital asset markets in Switzerland. The firm aims to become the first licensed DLT trading system in the country, with an application already submitted to FINMA.
Lidia Kurt, who holds a PhD in Finance from the University of St. Gallen, brings a wealth of experience in financial systems and innovative technologies. Previously, she co-founded vision& and consulted on digital asset projects. Kurt also contributed her expertise to the Boerse Stuttgart Group on blockchain topics.
Kurt aims to transform financial market structures, emphasizing the future potential of trading tokenised assets on a regulated secondary market. This development could streamline transactions, eliminating centralised intermediaries.
R. H.
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