sur Linde Plc (NASDAQ:LIN)

Linde to Increase Green Hydrogen Production in Brazil

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Linde Plc (EBR:LIN).

Linde plc announced that its subsidiary White Martins will enhance its green hydrogen production in Brazil by constructing a new electrolyzer in the southeast region. This second plant, a five-megawatt pressurized alkaline facility, will be situated next to Linde’s existing air separation unit in Jacareí, São Paulo. Scheduled to begin operations in 2025, it will utilize local renewable energy sources like solar and wind to produce green hydrogen.

White Martins aims to supply this hydrogen to Cebrace for their glass melting processes, aiding in reducing emissions. Additionally, the facility will cater to a growing demand for green hydrogen from various industrial sectors such as metals, food, and chemicals. Gilney Bastos, President of South Latin America at Linde, emphasized the project’s alignment with the company’s dedication to supporting Brazil's energy transition and providing decarbonization solutions to its customers.

R. E.

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