LISI Group Reports Robust Growth in Q1 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action LISI (EPA:FII).

LISI Group has reported a significant increase in its sales revenue for the first quarter of 2024, amounting to €449.3 million, an 11.9% rise compared to the same period in 2023. The group attributes the robust growth primarily to its aerospace division, which saw a 26.4% increase.

Despite the overall positive performance, some sectors within the group faced challenges. LISI AUTOMOTIVE experienced a slight downturn with a 1.2% drop in revenue, amidst a general decline in worldwide production. Similarly, LISI MEDICAL reported a 6.9% decrease in revenue, influenced by adjustments in supply chain inventory.

Additionally, the financial outcomes were impacted by external economic factors including exchange rate fluctuations, notably a decline in the US dollar against the euro, and inflationary pressures which led to a €12.4 million price effect from partially passing increased manufacturing costs onto customers.

The group’s aerospace sector benefitted from increased global air traffic and higher production rates in key aircraft models, which has bolstered its performance despite broader economic uncertainties.

R. E.

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