sur Loar Holdings Inc.
Loar Group Inc. Appoints Nicole Huque as Chief Talent Officer
Loar Holdings Inc. (NYSE:LOAR), based in White Plains, NY, has announced the appointment of Nicole Huque as Chief Talent Officer. This newly established role will have her report directly to CEO & Executive Co-Chairman Dirkson Charles. Ms. Huque's responsibilities will include enhancing leadership capabilities and optimizing a performance-driven culture across Loar's portfolio.
CEO Dirkson Charles stated that talent is a strategic value driver for Loar, and Ms. Huque's addition aligns with their executive team's expansion. Bringing 15 years of experience as a strategic advisor, she was previously a Partner at Krauthamer & Associates. Her background includes leadership roles in the industry, such as Global Head of Talent Acquisition at B/E Aerospace.
Ms. Huque is also a Board Trustee for Airlink and part of the advisory board for the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals, holding degrees from the University of Waterloo and Pace University.
R. E.
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