sur Loar Holdings Inc.

Loar Holdings Inc. Promotes TC Queener to Executive Vice President

Loar Holdings Inc. (NYSE:LOAR) has announced the promotion of TC Queener to Executive Vice President. Reporting to CEO and Executive Co-Chairman Dirkson Charles, Queener will oversee operations for Hydra-Electric in Burbank, CA, and SMR Technologies in Fenwick, WV.

CEO Dirkson Charles remarked on Queener's strong operational and strategic leadership, emphasizing his commitment to Loar’s cultural values. Queener joined Loar Group in 2018, previously serving as President of Hydra-Electric. With 15 years in the aerospace industry, his past roles include leadership positions at AvtechTyee Inc.

Queener holds a Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering from Oregon State University.

R. H.

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