sur Loar Holdings, LLC

Loar Holdings LLC Announces Initial Public Offering Plans

Loar Holdings LLC, soon to be renamed Loar Holdings Inc., has officially filed a registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for an Initial Public Offering (IPO) of its common stock. The specifics regarding the number of shares and the price range for the IPO remain undecided. The company aims to trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker "LOAR." Leading the offering are Jefferies and Morgan Stanley as primary book runners, with Moelis serving as joint book runner. Citigroup and RBC will also act as book runners for the proposed IPO.

Details about obtaining a preliminary prospectus for the IPO have been shared, directing interested parties to contact points at Jefferies LLC, Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, and Moelis & Company LLC. Though the registration statement has been filed, it has not yet become effective, and the offering's completion is dependent on market conditions and regulatory approval. This announcement underlines that there will be no sale of securities until the registration statement is officially effective and highlights that the sale or offer of these securities may be restricted in certain jurisdictions.

R. P.

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